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The best selling digital book of the year!

A journey to explore her roots turns into the adventure of a lifetime.

Book: Why This Trip
Author: Cleanne Johnson

Tenesha Hussain was born and raised in Canada to a Jamaican father and European mother. Growing up all she heard were stories of the island. Now old enough, Tenesha decides the time is right to make the long trip from Toronto to Jamaica and discover her true roots. There was no way she could have ever imagined the difficulties she’d face along the way.

Life seems determined to keep her from exploring her family heritage. From a crippling snowstorm shutting down all major airports in the area to a string of unfortunate events threatening to either leave her stranded in NYC or send her to the hospital for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Tenesha becomes more determined than ever and, pushing through each obstacle as it presents itself, she at last makes it to Jamaica. But the life she expected to find no longer exists. Tenesha must come to terms with all that has transpired as dark family secrets are revealed.
She might not be strong enough to accept them all.

Learn more about the author Cleanne Lynn Johnson

Author | Writer

Cleanne Johnson, beauty of colors, . amazon book author, book author, podcast speaker
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The best-selling digital book of the year!